1. Unbolt the sway bar from the frame, you can leave the links attached to the axle.
2. Remove the nut on the steering box under the pitman arm.
3. Install the steering box stud nut and new washer. Using red lock tight and make sure you get to 150 ft lbs of torque.
4. Install the steer brace with new supplied bolts to the sway bar and loosely bolt it to the frame. The steering brace mounts the frame and the sway bar mounts to the steering brace.
5. Put some anti seize on the shaft of the spud nut, slide the bearing into place with the grease zerk fitting pointed to the back of the truck. Same goes for the two small allen bolts.
6. Install the ½” bolts for the bearing to the brace finger tight.
7. Tighten the frame bolts to 50 ft lbs.
8. Tighten the bearing bolts to 75 ft lbs
9. Tighten the allen heads on the bearing to 10 ft lbs.
10. Test drive and recheck torque. If you have a radius arm truck (13+ 3500 and 14+ 2500), Thuren supplies a square stainless frame shim with his sway bar. You will no longer need this shim, the steering brace mimics the shim now.